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Matoshri Bayabai Shripatrao Kadam Kanya Mahavidyalaya, Kadegaon

Library Overview

Objectives of the Library

  • To promote the reading habits
  • To provide proper knowledge resource to proper user.
  • To provide qualitative services to users
  • To save the time of the user / reader
  • To arrange library activities to library users for carrier
  • Development user satisfaction is ultimate aim of Library

Library Staff

S.No. Name of the Staff Designation
1 Mrs. Patil U. A. Librarian
2 Shri. Potdar H. G. Library Clerk
3 Shri. Mandke A. A. . Library Attendant
4 Shri. Pol L. S. Library Attendant
5 Shri. Velhal H. M. Library Attendant
6 Shri. Khade N. L. Library Attendant

Special Features

  • Collection of large number of Reference books, Dictionaries, Encyclopedias, Textbooks, e-books, Journals, e-Journals, Periodicals, Magazines and Newspapers.
  • Religious books –Bhagavat Geeta, Bible, Kuran, Dnyaneshwari etc.
  • Use of Dewey Decimal Classification (DDC) system and subject-wise arrangement of books.
  • Computerization of library services using e-granthalaya software
  • Bar-coding of all Books in the Library
  • Bar-code Reader

Working Hours

  • On working days: 9.30am to 4.30 pm
  • On holidays: Kept closed
  • During examination days: 9.00 am to 5.00 pm
  • During vacation: 9.30am to 4.30 pm

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