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Matoshri Bayabai Shripatrao Kadam Kanya Mahavidyalaya, Kadegaon

Fee Structure

Admission fee : Rs.10/-
Education fee : Rs.800/-
Library Fee : Rs.50/-
Gymkhana Fee : Rs.80/-
Laboratory Fee : Rs.125/-
Youth Festival Fund : Rs.30/-
Prorata Contribution : Rs.25/-
Eligibility Fee : Rs.75/-
Ashvamegh Fee : Rs.30/-
Caution Money : Rs.20/-
Deposit ( Library ) : Rs.15/-
Deposit ( Laboratory ) : Rs.20/-
Development Fund : Rs.50/-
Insurance Charges : Rs.50/-
Emergency Fund : Rs.10/-
Extra Curricular Fee : Rs.15/-
Lead College : Rs.25/-
Environment Education Fee :
(only for Part 2 students)
E Seva fee : Rs.50/-
Self Finance Unit Fee : Rs.10/-
Identity Card fee : Rs.50/-
Self Finance Fee: Rs.10/-
NSS Fee : Rs.10/-
B.A.-I Rs.1,510/-
B.Com.-I Rs.1,510/-
B.Sc.-I Rs.1,530/-
B.A.-II Rs.1,650/-
B.Com-II Rs.1,650/-
B.Sc.-II Rs.1,650/-
B.A.-III Rs.1,400/-
B.Com.-III Rs.1,400/-
B.Sc.-III Rs.1,400/-
Science branch’s students should contact College Office for more details. Any changes by Government or Shivaji University in fee structure will be compulsory for students.
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