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Matoshri Bayabai Shripatrao Kadam Kanya Mahavidyalaya, Kadegaon

Hostel : Overview

Dr. Patangrao Kadam was a visionary leader who has contributed in Educational and Social transformation of Maharashtra. He has founded Bharati Vidyapeeth in Pune on 10 May 1964. He envisions the importance of education in rural area also. Considering the needs of girl’s education especially from rural area, he established girl’s high school and later on Junior college in Kadegaon. He also established Senior College Matoshri Bayabai Shripatrao Kadam Kanya Mahavidyalaya for higher education of girls in 1990. Many girls are started to take education and day by day numbers were increased. Girl students have to travel or migrate for education to Kadegaon. There were many difficulties in travelling to students due to insufficient transport facilities, so Dr. Patangrao Kadam decided to build girls hostel.

The hostel was inaugurated in the auspicious hand of Hon’ble Shri Vilasrao Deshmukh and Dr Patangrao Kadam in January 1991. It was named as Jijamata Hostel, Kadegaon. There were only 40 students at the beginning but numbers are increased in due course. Now more than 200-250 students are living in hostel as 500 students can accommodate in hostel. During the last30 years more than 7500 girls have benefited by the hostel facility. The girls from Solapur, Pandharpur, Satara, Khatav, Mhaswad, Jat, Atpadi, Vita, Khanapur, Palus and some other state students are coming for education and residing in hostel.

The hostel is prospered and developed under the able guidance of Hon’ble Vijamala Kadam (Vahinisaheb). Because of many facilities, discipline and securities many students are taking admissions in college as well as hostel.

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